Skinscription has the latest in Diode laser hair removal technology!
Laser hair reduction – the facts! Yes more than one treatment is required. The number of sessions depends on the area of the body being treated. Notably, upper parts like the face and underarms require around 8 to 10 sessions to achieve desired results compared to 6 to 8 sessions for the bikini line and legs. After which, a couple of touch-up treatments couple of years may be needed. Other factors to be considered are skin colour, coarseness of hair, hormones and gender.
Once you have decided to have your laser hair removal, you should not pluck or wax at least one month prior to the treatment. Aside from self-tanning products, you should also avoid unnecessary sun exposure on areas to be treated, one month before and after treatment. Do not apply Retinol or Retinoic acid-containing creams/lotions, peeling agents or diamond peel one week before your procedure.
Diode Laser hair removal benefits
- Permanent hair reduction and removal
- Pain free to minimal discomfort
- Ingrown hairs reduced
- Newest and fastest lasers worldwide
- Most effective technology
- Convenient and cost savings
- Hair grows back thinner and lighter
Treatments are recommenced to be 4-6 weeks apart.
Some people see permanent results, while some people may need a touch-up treatment every six to twelve months. Results vary depending on your hair type and skin type. Hormones can also be a factor for regrowth appearing quickly. Proper preparation and aftercare can also affect how long the results last.
There is no specific age minimum, but it is important to wait until you’ve gone through puberty to begin laser treatments. Females should not begin treatment unless they’ve already started their menstrual cycle. Generally, fourteen is the earliest age that people should begin laser hair removal.
It is best to play it safe and avoid laser hair removal while you’re pregnant. There is no evidence to suggest that it is unsafe, but there have not been long-term studies to analyze the effect of the laser on an unborn child. To protect your unborn baby, wait until after you’ve given birth to begin laser hair removal treatment.
Differences between Laser Hair Removal and IPL Hair Removal – yes there are differences !
If you’ve been looking at treatment options for permanent hair reduction then you have probably come across both laser hair removal and IPL and are wondering what the difference is. In short, laser hair removal is safer, more effective.
Both hair removal treatments involve producing light energy, which is then absorbed into the dark pigment of the hair to ultimately cause damage to the hair follicle. The goal is to destroy the hair root and also reduce hair growth (without damaging the surrounding skin).
The main difference between laser and IPL for hair removal lies in the technology that each use to generate light as well as the different properties of light being used.
IPL machines create a wide spectrum of pulsed light wave lengths like a light bulb. This wider range means that only some of the wave lengths will target the hair.
Laser Hair Removal machines generate a single wave length of light. This means it’s an extremely concentrated beam that has specifically target the pigment in the hair follicle. Lasers can be adjusted to different settings to work with particular hair colors and skin tones. Lasers can be safely used on dark skin because thanks to the ability to fine-tune the lasers, the heat will be absorbed by the hair follicle, not the skin.
IPL Hair Removal
Effective for dark hair and light to medium skin |
Cannot be safely used on dark skin |
More sessions required |
Can remove hair almost anywhere on the body or face |
Higher risk of burning |
10 – 15 treatments required |
66% reduction in hair growth 6 months after treatments |
Laser Hair Removal
Effective for all skin types |
Requires fewer sessions than IPL |
Increased targeting capabilities for deep + thicker hairs |
Can remove hair almost anywhere on the body or face |
Lower risk of burning |
6 – 10 treatments required |
72% reduction in hair growth 6 months after treatments |
Laser Hair Removal Prices From $25
Medical Grade Diode Laser Hair Removal
See below for pre and post care instructions on the website.

What to do before your appointment
1. Area must be shaved 24 hours prior to your appointment. – The closer the shave the better. If it is your first time, leave a small patch of hair so that your specialist can exam it. (Your Laser Artist will shave it down before beginning the treatment!). Bikini services, don’t shave the part where you want to keep the hair.
2. No makeup/lotion/deodorant on the day of your appointment. (on treatment area).
3. Stay out of direct sunlight for at least 3 days prior to your appointment. (& 3 days after).
4. Do not use self-tanner or spray tan products for at least 2 weeks before your treatment to avoid potential injury.
5. Avoid drinking more than 2 alcoholic beverages 24 hours before your treatment .
6. Avoid waxing/threading/tweezing in the area for at least 4 weeks. Shaving is ok!
Important notes: (1) laser services cannot be performed on ladies who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive. (2) bikini laser services will not be performed on menstruating clients.
What to do after your appointment
1. Redness & Bumps are normal. –
Immediately after your treatment, redness & bumps at the treatment area are common; these may last up to 2 hours or longer. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours. You should use a cold compress if the sensitivity continues. If there is any crusting, apply an antibiotic cream. Darker pigmented skin may have more discomfort than lighter skin & may persist longer.
2. Cleanse the area treated gently.
The treated area may be washed gently with a mild soap. Skin should be patted dry & not rubbed during the first 48 hours. Stay Away From Skincare Products With Strong Ingredients Avoid skincare products that contain retinoids, hydroxy acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. These potent ingredients can affect the pigmentation of the skin, causing either darkening or lightening. In some cases, it may result in redness.
3. No makeup & lotion/moisturizer/deodorant for the first 24 hours.
Keep the treated area clean & dry, if further redness or irritation persists, skip your makeup & moisturizer, & deodorant (for underarms) until the irritation has subsided.
4. Dead hairs will begin to shed 5-30 days after your treatment.
Stubble, representing dead hair being shed from the hair follicle, will appear within 5-30 days from the treatment date. that is normal & they will fall out quickly.
5. Exfoliate to speed up hair shedding.
Anywhere from 5-30 days after the treatment, shedding of the hair may occur & this may appear as new hair growth. It is not new hair growth, but the dead hair pushing its way out of the follicle. You can help the hair come out by washing with a washcloth & shaving.
6. Avoid the sun.
Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of dark or light spots for 2 months. Use sunscreen (spf 25 or higher) at all times throughout the treatment period & for 1-2 months following.
7. Do not pick/scratch/wax/thread/tweeze the area.
Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. do not use any other hair removal methods or products, other than shaving, on the treated area during the course of your laser treatments, as it will prevent you from achieving the best results.
8. Hair growth varies
On average, most will experience a level of hairless happiness after 6-9 sessions which will result in not even checking for stubble (yes, it’s life changing!).